Overview: What Happens During an Alarm Event

There are several different types of alarms, including burglary, panic, medical, and fire.
Depending on the type of alarm event, our monitoring station may handle the situation slightly different. However, in general, an alarm event will be treated as follows:

When an alarm is triggered, your panel will send a notification to our 24x7 monitoring station.
If you are able to disable the alarm by entering your 4-digit PIN in the first eight seconds, our monitoring station will mark the event as a false alarm and will not attempt to contact you.

If you do not disable the alarm in the first eight seconds, one of our Smart Home Specialists will attempt to contact you through the two way talk feature on your SkyControl panel.
The specialist will ask you if everything is alright or if you need assistance.

If you are not home, or if the specialist is otherwise unable to contact you through the panel, they will then try calling the first number on your emergency contact list.

If you would like, the specialist has the ability to contact the local authorities and send them to your home. If not, the specialist will ask for your verbal pass code to verify the false alarm.

If you do not remember your verbal pass code or an incorrect pass code is given, OR if our monitoring specialist is unable to contact you, they will then dispatch the local authorities.

Once help is on the way, the specialist will continue to call the numbers on your emergency contact list until someone is reached or all of the numbers have been called.

You will also receive a push notification on your smartphone as long as you have the Vivint Sky app downloaded and you are logged in. You may receive an email notification as well if we have your email address on file.

You can check your emergency contacts and email address by logging in to account.vivint.com.

For more information and details about monitoring and alarm events, please visit support.vivint.com/monitoring